Walt Disney Animation Studios has an exciting opportunity for Animators to join the team at our Vancouver, BC studio. Be part of the longest running animation team in history. Work alongside legends. Use your animation powers for good and touch the hearts of millions of people around the globe. We want talented CG Character Animators who show exceptional understanding of acting, appeal, entertainment, weight, locomotion, anatomy, and dialogue. We want artists with a strong point of view who put a personal spin on their work. Please note that relocation eligibility may be determined based on role and individual circumstance.
Effectively tell the story in a meaningful way through vivid and compelling character acting and movement
Create quality animation using digital tools for feature films and other related projects
Work closely with Directors and Animation Supervisors in a feature film environment:
Receive assigned shots in sequence review with the Directors providing general guidance
Plan shots with an understanding of story/character context
Block animation, most commonly using audio dialog track
Clearly show performance ideas and shot blocking in Director review (animation dailies)
Collaborate with and take direction from Directors and Animation Supervisors
Implement changes and completely finish shots in accordance with production schedule
Develop a working knowledge of necessary production tools
Maintain an open and professional demeanor regarding direction, changes and shifting requirements
A reel that is no more than 2 minutes in length of character animation that illustrates visual storytelling, believable expressions, emotional states, weight, physics, balance, appeal, entertainment, clear timing, and staging
Ideally at least 2 years of production experience
Proficiency in Maya or equivalent software preferred but not required
Background in traditional hand-drawn, computer, or stop-motion animation
Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience