Recruitment and Selection
§ 协助完成新员工的录用、登记,在适当的时间安排面试的事宜。
Assists in the recruitment process by handling enquiries, registration and arranging interview at appropriate time.
§ 维护所有的应聘要求以便从中选择合适的人选。
Maintains all applications, screens and interviews applicants suitable for positions
§ 确保查阅所有的求职申请,不论通过还是拒绝都能在两周之内给予回复。
Ensures that all applications are reviewed and that acknowledgment/ reject letters are sent out 2 weeks from date of receipt.
§ 协助准备酒店的招聘资料,使其能够加强宣传本酒店的特性和表达专业的企业形象。
Assists in the preparation of recruitment advertisements that reinforces the corporate identity and projects a professional image.
§ 与相关学术机构及酒店专业学校保持紧密地联系。
Maintains close relationship with academic institutions and hotel schools.
§ 为国外的应聘者准备签证所需要的相关文件。
Prepares the documentation process for visa applications for foreign nationals.
Payroll and Productivity Management
§ 关注改进生产力水平及在可接受的指引下谨慎管理用品/薪资,确保所有设备的优化部署和高效能。
§ Focuses attention on improving productivity levels and the need to prudently manage utility/ payroll costs within acceptable guidelines, ensuring optimum deployment and energy efficiency of all equipment.
§ 确保新技术和新设备的使用,“灵活处理工作”的同时提高生产力。
Ensures new technology & equipment are embraced, improving productivity whilst taking work out of the system.
§ 确保考勤记录能够按照既定的政策和程序进行检查。
Ensures Attendance Record check is being carried out according to the Policies & Procedures.
Industrial Relations
§ 确保与酒店的管理层、员工、其他酒店、政府官员及当地社团保持紧密并专业的联系。
Ensures close and professional relationships are established and maintained between management, associates, other hotels, government officials and the local community.
§ 确保长期公平的管理员工不满及行为不端,为纠正不恰当的行为及方法提供专业的意见及指导。
Ensures consistent and fair Grievance handling and Misconduct management, providing professional counselling and coaching to correct inappropriate behaviours.
Associate Communications
§ 将核心价值观及行为标准有效地传达给所有层级的员工。
Effectively communicates core values and behavioural standards to all levels of associates.
§ 协助管理员工认知计划。
Assists with the coordination of the associate recognition programmes.
§ 协调并安排与辞职员工的访谈。
Co-ordinates and arranges outgoing associates for Exit Interview.
People Management
§ 发展及协助针对提高技能和知识的培训活动。
Assists with training activities focused on improving skills and knowledge.
§ 确保员工完全理解酒店的规章制度并遵照执行。
Ensures associates have a complete understanding of Rules & Regulations, and that behaviour complies.
§ 监督员工士气并提供工作表现及发展的反馈。
Monitors associate morale and provides mechanism for performance feedback and development.
§ 将指导原则及核心价值有效地传达给所有层级的员工。
Effectively communicates guiding principles and core values to all levels of associates.